The First American Flag

I think that Betsy Ross made the first American flag. For one thing, we know that she made a wonderful five pointed star with just one snip of her scissors, and the American flag has five pointed stars. Because she worked in a upholstery shop, she often made flags. George Washington knew her because they went to the same church, so it was likely he arranged a meeting with her. That is why I think that Betsy Ross made the first American flag.

John Adams

He helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris in 1783

Founding Father who lead America into indepence

a determined man

John Adams

a brave man

was a diplomat in Europe

Helped draft the Decelation of Indepence

He was very important in the American Revolutionary War



Colonial Life

My name is Jordan and I am here to tell you about being a homemaker in the colonial times. I do many things. I sew, cook, take care of children, make and wash clothes, and make candles. Once or twice a year I make soap. To do this I make a big fire outside and then mix lye and animal fat, then stir non-stop until the mixture thickens. The last step is to pour the soap into pans to thicken. It is smelly, messy and risky because lye can burn skin. Some seasons have certain chores, like every spring I do a big housecleaning. In the summer, I dry herbs and fruit.When it is fall I husk corn and smoke meat. Once it becomes winter, I spin on my spinning wheel and sew clothing. Because it is hard to just eat and be clothed, we divided tasks. Men mostly work outside their home. All kids learn by helping the adults do their tasks. That is what it is like to be a homemaker in the colonial times.

9/11 Reflections

When I went to school on 9/11/2015 I noticed that in each class they talked about 9/11. It started when I went to morning meeting in the gym. First our principal, Mrs.Rock talked about why it was an important day that changed history. Then they showed a video called God bless the USA. At the end of homeroom we watched the video again because some kids were not in morning meting. In second period our science teacher, Mr.McBride talked about his experienced and played a country song about 9/11 for us. Mrs.Mcfall, our history teacher told us where she was and what she did. Our math teacher, Mrs.Branty also shared her experience. Mrs.Loube, our reading teacher had a worksheet for us about 9/11. I learned a lot that day.


Homecoming is a something very special. It is a time to go back to the school you graduated and see friends you may have not seen in years. It is a big deal but it in WO it is a even bigger deal because WO  has it every three years. This is because after World War 2 not all of the soldiers were home, so the school decided to wait until the soldiers could come. It took three years for the soldiers to come home so now WO has homecoming every three years instead of every year. That is why WO has homecoming every three years.

Exploration Information



Juan Rodguez Cabrillo was an explorer who was born March 13, 1499. He went on 6 expeditions in his life. Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo is know for being the first European to set foot into what is now California. I also learned that he went on 6 explorations in his life.






4th Grade Math

This year I learned how to do cross multiplication. My favorite part in math this year is multiplying one digit by two digit. My least favorite thing is anything to do to with fractions. My strength is long division and my weakness is fractions. I am  looking forward to algebra in 5th grade, although I also look forward to working with bigger numbers. I hope that I will be able to learn to multiply with numbers that go up to the thousands next year. I also hope that  I will learn to do division with two 2 digit numbers. I am very happy about what I’m going to learn in 5th grade.