This year, I wanted to do something for my school and earn my Gold Award, the highest award you can earn in Girl Scouts. I decided to host a health fair at my school and did so with the help of school officials, various subject matter experts, and student volunteers. In order to fulfill my requirements and make my project sustainable without dumping it on someone else, I created this guide to putting on a health fair. It is specifically written for a student a my school to host the health fair again but can be used for any school.

Whether it is putting on a health fair, starting a club, or something else, I hope more students start thinking of ways they can change their schools for the better. I learned a lot, and one thing that stands out to me is that so many people want to give back to the community and will help you if you just ask. I hope this guide and the student tips and resources (down below) help someone create lasting positive change in themselves or others.

Guide to Health Fair (3)

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